Tim Price talks with Jon Zens about how we have built a mountain ("the pastor") on less than a molehill. We must go to the root of why the pastor-system is so problematic -- it simply is not the Lord's heart.Tim Buss has put together a piece of music that touches my soul deeply. May it tough yours too! … [Read more...]

“Beholding the Lord 5.3.5” // THE FATAL ASSUMPTION: “We Need A Pastor”

Life In Christ in the New Covenant
There is untold confusion about Christ's New Covenant and, as Hebrews said, "He takes away the first [old covenant] in order to establish the Better [new covenant]." In these two sessions, Jon shows how the Old is gone and the New is here to stay. These messages were given in Sarasota, Florida, in March, 2024. A number of people have stated that these two presentations put some pieces together like they had never heard before. … [Read more...]

** I realize that what I have written below is against the grain of how most people think about “prophecy.” But I appeal to you to ask the Lord to show you His mind in Christ by the Holy Spirit. It appears to me that what many folks think about the future is bogus, and they are being misled by what J.N. Darby and C.I. Scofield foisted on Bible-believers years ago. Some of what I say may be totally new to you, but please hang in there and see if it doesn’t help bring clarity to the Lord’s purpose … [Read more...]

Attendees at the 22nd Searching Together Gathering, July 15-18, 2021, Dodgeville, WI. In the course of the 22nd Searching Together Gathering (July 15-18, 2021) in Dodgeville, WI, I responded to a thread of discussion we were having about "sin." Here is the 44 minute audio of my remarks. … [Read more...]

The Secret Place
We'd encourage y'all to check out these 10 minute meditations by our good friend, Stephanie Bennett. She has 60+ in her series so far. We think they are special! Dotty & I have been involved in a few episodes. – Jon & Dotty No More Loneliness Life In Christ (salvation) Is Also Life in the Body True Fellowship Can Be Inexplicable "Going to the Least of These" (with … [Read more...]

Pulpit or Participation?
A video regarding biblical church leadership and participation from personal experience, from April, 2020 "For some of you, this may be one of the most important forty minutes of your life." -- Alan Allison, Spokane WA … [Read more...]

Elusive Community
A short video regarding Biblical community from Tucson, AZ in April, 2020 … [Read more...]

The Turning Points in My Journey
A video testimony of the turning points in my journey from Tucson, AZ in April, 2020 … [Read more...]

“Our assembling together may be disrupted some day by governmental upheaval,” 1981
I’m now in Tucson, Arizona, finishing up the manuscript of Elusive Community for publication. In light of the many concerns surrounding the intrusion of the CoronaV, it is appropriate to reflect on how this disease has so far affected what is called “church” in light of some prophetic remarks I made in 1981. What are three key pillars that church leaders connect with practicing church in America? Building to meet in; pastor to give sermon; a way to collect tithes. All three of these have been … [Read more...]

Building to Body Transitioning from Institutional to Organic Church Jon Zens After hearing what I shared in the sessions at a conference in Mexico City, a brother from America suggested that I write about how a traditional church could morph into an organic ekklesia. After reflection, here is how I would respond to such an idea. One common question that often comes up is “How can typical church structures move from the status quo to being more like family, where there is more body-life?” … [Read more...]
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